Famous & Interesting ... folks ... places ... events

IL 8th Judical Circuit
of 1850's - law was
brought by carriage & horseback to 14 counties
William Scully and the Scully Estates of Logan County,IL. Al Capone frequented bars in Logan Co. 1900 Republican Rally in
Mt. Pulaski - McKinley, Roosevelt,
John D. Rockefeller, etc.
Lawrence Beaumont
 Stringer - Judge,
Lawyer, Politician
Rt. 66 roadway oasis   Wright Model EX biplane, christened the Vin Fiz, flying across America via Middletown, IL. Jabez Capps, a tri-
founder of Mt.Pulaski
A.H. Bogardus, professional hunter, inventor, and legendary sharpshooting performer Mt. Pulaski Courthouse - Logan Co. seat 1848 - 1855


                                1910 Wright Bi-plane race  Lincoln-Douglas debates   Illinois Tavern Postville Courthouse Hoblit Carriage House  Dunlap HouseVaughn De Leath IL Terminal RR     Scully Buildin  USS Abraham Lincoln  (CVN-72)


Dick Romer
Paul Beaver
Historian Emeritus
Lincoln College
2011 Abraham Lincoln book by
Paul Beaver
Darold Leigh Henson
Award-winning webmaste
Judge David Davis
8th Judicial Circuit
William Maxwell
James Hickey
Historian, Curator
Il. State Historical Society
Hal Holbrook
Lincoln College
Dr. Herbert Ryman
WWI Hero
Bill Donath
President & Researcher
Ron Keller
Michael Scully
Descendant &
caretaker of mammoth
 Scully acreage

                                     Lincoln College during 2020 COVID                          Mary Todd "whisperings"         Capt. Bogardus         historian Paul Gleason            Darrell Wibben with his Dulcimer              author Hoke Beidle